Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 - 1926) was a Bohemian-Austrian poet who wrote in German and French. Some of his work is really beautiful, including an entire series of poems about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Even though he was a white dude writing a hundred years ago, he demonstrates immense respect, reverence, and empathy for women and mothers. His best known work, however, is not any of his poems or poetry collections; it is his correspondence with Franz Xaver Kappus. Kappus was a fan of Rilke, and a student at the same military academy that Rilke had attended. The young Kappus sent a few original poems to Rilke and asked, "Should I be a poet?" Rilke wrote back, and the two maintained a correspondence for a few years. Rilke's ten letters to Kappus were later collected and published with the fitting title Letters to a Young Poet. Two different people gifted me two different editions of Rilke's work, (and they each very sweetly annotated them for me - so romantic!) and I too...